St. Wulstan's Roman Catholic Primary School

Believe to Achieve: Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another

Welcome to St. Wulstan's R.C. Primary School.

Celebration Assembly


Our Celebration Assembly is held on Fridays for all classes in the school at 9:05am. Parents and family members are welcome to attend.


These assemblies are a celebration of achievement, for individuals, groups and classes.  Awards are given to individual children for learning in all areas of the curriculum including behaviour. Good attendance is also rewarded via our Attendance Monopoly Board! If classes are above 96%, then they can move around the Monopoly Board and see what treat awaits them! And if it's been your birthday, a special Happy Birthday is sung to you.


Photographs and names of winners are displayed inside the Hall for the week. 


The totals for house points are revealed in these assemblies also with the winning house at the end of each term receiving a prize of their choice.  


This assembly also gives an opportunity for children to share their out of school interest/achievements with the whole school. We encourage the children to bring in any certificates, medals, photographs etc that they receive outside school so that we can celebrate their talents as a whole school community.