St. Wulstan's Roman Catholic Primary School

Believe to Achieve: Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another

Welcome to St. Wulstan's R.C. Primary School.


Growing In Faith Together


“It is up to you, young followers of Christ, to show the world that faith brings happiness and a joy which is true, full and enduring”.
Pope Benedict XVI


The job of the pupil GIFT team (Growing In Faith Together) has a very high profile in our school and we are now on our fourth team of Pupil Chaplains. In September 2023, application forms were written and interviews took place for our new GIFT Team and a committed and enthusiastic group were successfully appointed. Miss Hadfield is looking forward to working with the GIFT Team giving joyful witness of Christ in our school.


 As members of the GIFT Team we are called to lead our school by following in the footsteps of Jesus. Every day we live by the gospel values and show others how they can do the same. Being a member of the GIFT Team is a challenging but very rewarding task. 


The aims of the St. Wulstan’s GIFT Team are:

  • To help the school to grow as a community of faith
  • To encourage the pupils to live their faith in daily living
  • To support Liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school
  • To involve pupils in fundraising for charities
  • To continue to develop strong links with the Parish
  • To support the school in its Mission Statement


The duties of the GIFT Team include:

  • Helping to plan and lead assemblies and Masses
  • Organising and leading class prayer times with other pupils
  • Lead before school and lunchtime prayer opportunities throughout the year e.g. Rosary, Prayer Garden, Stations of the Cross
  • Ensuring that class and communal prayer areas are tidy and reflect the season
  • Organising fund raising for charity
  • Supporting younger children with their spiritual development
  • Help to monitor and improve the Catholic life of our school


GIFT Team - Easter Events              Lent Calendar

GIFT Advent letter                            Advent Calendar


Click here for Chaplaincy Information

Click here for our GIFT Action Plan 2024 - 2025

Click here for our GIFT Action Plan 2023 - 2024