St. Wulstan's Roman Catholic Primary School

Believe to Achieve: Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another

Welcome to St. Wulstan's R.C. Primary School.

Prayer and Liturgy

Prayer, worship and liturgical celebration are central to our Catholic tradition and form an integral part of the school day. Prayer is encouraged in a variety of methods – private individual prayer, group prayer, and whole school prayer.


Each child takes part in daily act of worship (5-10 minutes) and formal prayers are used to open and close the school day sessions. In the Spring and Summer terms of 2020, the children will start to plan and lead acts of worship within each of their classes. Collective Worship across every class uses the same structure.  We gather, using prayers or actions or music.  Then, we listen to scripture, readings and / or poems.  After that, we respond by doing something or saying a prayer together.  Finally, we go forth by reflecting on the scripture and taking this forward into our work throughout the day. It is wonderful to see the children excited, enthusiastic and deepening their faith through prayer and liturgy. In each class, there is a prayer and liturgy book where pictures, planning templates and powerpoints are kept as a reminder and record of the acts of worship.


Our class liturgies are usually centred around global issues, British and Catholic values or the Gospel reading from the Sunday Mass. The children always relate these themes to scripture references and they will start to write their own prayers and choose their own songs to celebrate and worship together. It is wonderful for the children to leave us all with a reflection, mission idea or practical response to our celebration, enabling all to deepen faith, learn from the teachings of Christ and become the very best we can be for ourselves and for others.

We also recognise and celebrate children’s achievements, both in and out of school, during our weekly Friday Celebration Assembly.


Amazing things can happen when people come into agreement.

Matthew 18:19 says

“I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”


The children and staff will be delighted to pray for you or a loved.


As soon as we receive your request, the children and staff will keep your request in our hearts and minds as we pray throughout the day and week.


School Prayers

Click here for Our School Prayers